Everyday Expressions
n. 偶然性,运气
Bill left everything to chance. (每件事都听其自然。)
n. [C] 机会
John wants to go abroad when he gets a chance.
n. 可能
This ideal stands a good chance of realization.
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
邂逅 --- chance meeting
私生子 --- chance child
偶然地 --- by chance
碰碰运气 --- take a chance
听天由命,顺其自然 --- leave…to chance
机会/可能性很大 --- stand a good chance
可能性很小 --- slim chance
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
Fat chance! --- 没戏!(Not a chance. No way.)
Chinaman’s chance --- 机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知)
chance of a lifetime --- 千载难逢的机会
by any chance --- 或许,可能
the chance are that --- 很可能
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Sally, I was wondering if I, I could borrow…Well I mean…Imean borrow…
B: Money? Me lend you money! Not a chance! (全无机会)
A: Well Mr. Black, I appreciate your interest in our company, but I doubt you can do this job properly.
B: I’m sure I can do it well. I’ve always wanted to be the best in whatever I did. Give me a chance. (给我一次机会吧)
A: Well, the debate was fair.
B: Yeah, you said it. Each opponent had a chance to speak.
A: As chance would have it, I ran into Ron today. (很凑巧)
B: Do you have a cigarette by chance? (凑巧)
A: VV, would you lend me 50,000?
B: Fat chance!
What about my chances to got this job?
Are you from China by any chance?
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 The only chance they’ll ever have is a half way house, that’ll help them get their feet under them again. 《情归巴黎》
But, I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 《阿甘正传》
Everybody gets a second chance. 《阿甘正传》
Give it a chance. 《情归巴黎》
对话 David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.
Linus: I don’t have time for dessert. I’m too busy with thiscompany. You’re a grown man, David. Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson’s the best things that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself. 《情归巴黎》
谚语 Proverbs
Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.人生际遇,难得平等。