有些作者喜欢在自己的文章中说自己的工作never reported in the literature, a breakthrough, a new method, a new theo-ry, a new discovery, the first report, 这些“拔高”类词语在学术论文中不用为好。毕竟世界上同类科学文献如烟海,是不是有可能漏查了呢?你没有见到,不见得就存在。所以还是留有余地、有分寸为上。科学家的论文不是因为写了上述词语才能获诺贝尔奖。
原句:Special scrutiny should be given to the assumption that adult patients are aware of gaps and deficiencies in their performance and should there fore be involved with their doctors in a mutual process of setting their treatment programs.
改过:Adult patients who recognize their deficiencies should hilp their doctors to plan their treatment programs.
原句:In April 1992,we successfully treated 2patients by percutaneous transluminal excimer laser peripheral angiopla-sty (PTELPA) and in November 1992,6 patients by PTELPA.
改过:We successfully treated 2 patients in April and 6 patients in November 1992 by percutaneous transluminal excimer laser peripheral angioplasty.
原句:Excimer laser coronary angioplasty and percutaneous translrminal coronary angioplasty can complement each other's difficiencies in the treatment of coronary atherosclerotic diseases.
改过:Excimer laser coronary angioplasty and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty can complement each other in the treatment of coronary atherosclerotic diseases .
注:原句:显然受中文影响“互相弥补不足”。在英文中照译则不可,complement each other已经有互补缺陷、不足之义。
原句:With the rehabilitation of sciences in China in the 1980s,many instruments used for visual electrophysiology ha-ve been developed or made in Hangzhou,Ji’nan,Xi’an,Shanghai,Chongqing and Shenzhen so as to meet the needs of the application and research of visual electrophysiology.
注:原句显然是受中文影响死译而成的,词语重复冗繁visual electrophysiology 可避免重复,developed代替made。
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)说过:词汇如叶片,太多了,深层意思就难以体会了(Words are like leaves;and where they most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.)说明写作、翻译中一再强调的问题:言贵洗练。每个词要有所指否则便为冗词。
原句:On emergency examination,he was injured and had bilateral basal crackles.
改过:Emergency examination revealed that he had been injured an hand bilateral basal crackles.
常见论文中明明说的是patients,标题的“材料与方法”照译成Materials and methods,将人当作材料当然是非人化。如果注意一下,完全可以改过来,用中性的词subjects(对象)比material好。另外一种情况是case与patient不分。Case作病例、病案解,有严格的定义,不能代替patient。
原句:Of 25 penicillin-sensitive patients recently treated with cephalothin,one had fatal anaphylactic shock but recov-ered.
改过:Of 25 penicillin-sensitive paients recently treated with cephalothein,one had anaphylactic shock but recovered.
原句:Occurrences of hemolytic-uremic syndrome in nonrelated siblings and thrombocytopenic purpura in a husband and wife have been reported.
改过:Occurrences of hemolytic-ruemic syndrome in siblings and thrombocytopenic purpura in a husband and wife have been reported.
原句:The patient complained of daily night sweats,fevers,and extreme fatigue.
改过:The patient complained of night sweats,fevers,and extreme fatigue.
注:night sweats 当然是天天如此,何以加daily,此属画蛇添足,不合逻辑。
原标题:Diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine.
改过:Diagnosis and medication
原句:This finding shows that the measurement of LOH at 3p24 and 7q31 may be an useful predicting marker for the prognosis of breast cancer.
改过:This finding shows that measurement of LOH at 3p24 and 7q31 may be an useful predicting marker for the pro-gnosis of patients with breast cancer.
原句:The pathological diagnosis was intramuscular hemangioma of the mixed capillary and cavernous type.
改过:Pathological diagnosis showed an intramuscular hemangioma of the capillary and cavernous type.