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22. Tender Opening


22.1 The Employer o`r his agent __________ will open the tenders, in the presence of tenderers' representatives who choose to attend, at ___________ on _______________ at the offices of __________. Tenderers' representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.


22.2 Tenders fo`r which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to Clause 21 hereof shall not be opened. The Employer o`r his agent ___________ will examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether the requisite tender securities have been furnished, whether the documents have been Properly signed, an`d whether the tenders are generally in o`rder.


22.3 The tenderers' names, total amounts of tenders, tender price modifications an`d tender withdrawals, if any, the presence of the requisite tender security an`d such other details as the Employer o`r his agent ____________, at their discretion, may consider appropriate will be announced at the opening.


22.4 The Employer o`r his agent _____________ shall prepare minutes of the tender opening fo`r his own reco`rds. Such minutes shall be sent to the Wo`rld Bank together with the repo`rt on the evaluation of tenders as soon as the latter is available.

23. Process to be Confidential


23.1 After the public opening of tenders, info`rmation relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation an`d comparison of tenders an`d recommendations concerning the award of contract shall not be disclosed to tenderers o`r other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award of a contract to the successful tenderer has been announced.


23.2 Any effo`rt by a tenderer to influence the Employer in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation an`d comparison of tenders an`d decisions concerning award of contract may result in the rejection of his tender.

