3.4 To be eligible f`or award of contract, tenderers shall have provided evidence satisfact`or to the Employer of their eligibility under clause 3.1 above, `and of their capability `and adequacy of resources to effectively carry out the Contract.To this end, the Employer `and ____________ company may, at any time pri`or to award of contract, request tenderers to amplify `or `update` previously submitted prequalification data.
All Tenders submitted shall include the following inf`ormation:All Tenders submitted shall include the following inf`ormation:
(a) copies of `original documents defining the constitution `or legal status, place of registration `and principal place of business of the company, firm `or partnership `or,if a joint venture, of each party thereto constituting the tenderer ;
(b) the qualifications `and experience of key personnel proposed f`or administration `and execution of the Contract, both on `and off site, in the f`ormat prescribed in Schedule V ;
(c) maj`or items of constructional plant `and equipment proposed f`or use in carrying out the Contract in the f`ormat prescribed in Schedule IV ;
(d) a list of proposed sub-contract`ors in the f`ormat prescribed in Schedule VI ;
(e) inf`ormation regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer is involved ;
(f) the details of the construction methods proposed.
3.5 F`or the purposes of sub-clause 3.4, tenderers who have been pre-qualified may ``update` `and augment the inf`ormation supplied with their application f`or pre-qualification, `and, in particular, shall give particulars of w`ork in h`and at the date of tendering.
3.6 Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two `or m`ore firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) the tender, `and in case of a successful tender the F`orm of Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners ;
(b) one of the Joint Venture members shall be nominated as spons`or ;`and this auth`orisation shall be evidenced by submitting a power of att`orney signed by legally auth`orised signat`ories of all the members of the joint venture ;
(c) the joint venture spons`or shall be auth`orised to incur liabilities `and receive instructions f`or `and on behalf of any `and all members of the joint venture, `and the entire execution of the Contract including payment shall be done exclusively with the joint venture spons`or ;
(d) all members of the joint venture shall be liable jointly `and severally f`or the execution of the Contract in acc`ordance with the Contract terms, `and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the auth`orisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in the F`orm of Tender `and the F`orm of Agreement (in case of a successful tender); `and
(e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the tender.