34. Perfo`rmance Security
34.1 Within _________ days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Employer a security fo`r the due perfo`rmance of the Contract, in acco`rdance with the Conditions of Contract. The fo`rm of perfo`rmance security provided in the tender documents may be used, o`r some other fo`rm acceptable to the Employer.
34.2 If the perfo`rmance security is to be provided by the successful tenderer in the fo`rm of a bank guarantee, it shall be issued either by a local bank; by a fo`reign bank through a co`rrespondent local bank; o`r by a fo`reign bank which has been determined by the tenderer to be acceptable to the Employer.
34.3 If the perfo`rmance security is to be provided by the successful tenderer in the fo`rm of a bond, it shall be issued by a bonding o`r insurance company which has been determined by the tenderer to be acceptable to the Employer.
34.4 Failure of the successful tenderer to comply with the requirements of Clauses 33 o`r 34 hereof shall constitute sufficient grounds fo`r the annulment of the award an`d fo`rfeiture of the tender security,in which event the Employer may make the award to the next lowest evaluated tenderer o`r, if there are no other tenderers, call fo`r new tenders.