(四) 连贯一致。
英语利用三大连句手段———逻辑纽带(logical connection) 、照应关系(referential ties) 和词汇纽带(lexical connectors) ,把单句连成篇章。汉语的连贯手段一般与此相类似,
但是使用的习惯、频率、方式等与英语不尽相同。因此,汉译英时,要根据英语语言特点,依靠粘着手段(cohesion) 的运用,以实现篇章的连贯性(coherence) ,有序地表达篇章的内容。
原文:著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下一立,遇见熟人,便会用了缓慢悠闲的声调,微叹着互答着的说: ??
译文1 :At the end of the slanting bridge , silhouetted against its shadows after the rain , stand city idlers under the trees , pipe in mouth , in their thick unlined dress or lined coat of black cloth. And if theychance upon an acquaintance , something like the following dialogue might ensue , in a leisurely drawlpunctuated by a low sigh. [3 ] (P. 10)
译文2 :Some idle townsfolk , wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth , will come outpipe in mouth and , loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge , exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time. [4 ] (P. 210)
译文3 :After the rain the city idlers boundle up with thick layers of warmth would go to the bridgehead under the tree in the slanting bridge shadow , pipe in mouth. When meeting with acquaintances ,
they would sigh and exchange remarks in a slow and leisurely way. [5 ] (P. 329)
原文是个长句,包含若干分句,不太容易翻译。如果按照汉语的“意合”(parataxis) 结构,把每个分句都译成独立的英语句子,那么译出语必定松散,缺乏连贯性,重点不突出。译文1、3的做法好,采用“断句法”,即翻译时先在“ ??树底下一立,”和“遇见熟人??”之间断开,使之成为两部分,然后通过词汇纽带的作用使前后两个句子形成合乎逻辑的有机联系。前者增添了“And if they”,后者使用“When + 分词”结构,这样通过“形合”(hypotaxis) 的手段使前后两个句子取得连贯一致。译文1 的译者在翻译前一部分时,因原文的主语是较长的名词词组,采用的是“完全变式”(complete inversion) 。[15 ] (P1268) 这样做,使前置的状语得到强调,后置的主语也符合句尾重心的原则。[16 ] (P11486) 故译文1 意义完整,语义连贯。译文2 没有采用“断句法”,只用了一个句子,造成结构松散,连贯性不够,并且有误译的情况。译文3 方法运用得当,但有误译。