(三) 文化背景知识。
译文1 :To begin with , there is the date-tree , which flourishes anywhere in the corners of houses ,
against the walls , beside thatched huts , outside kitchen doors. [3 ] (P110)
译文2 :Take jujube trees for example. They grow everywhere ———around the corner of a house , atthe foot of a wall , by the side of a latrine or outside a kitchen door. [4 ] (P1211)
译文3 :The first is the date tree. It can grow in corners , on walls , by huts , and right by thekitchen door. They spring up one after another. [5 ] (P1329)
Eugene Nida 把翻译中涉及到的文化因素分为五类: (1) 生态文化; (2) 语言文化; (3) 宗教文化; (4) 物质文化; (5) 社会文化。[ 8 ] (P191) 一种文化中最普通的东西,在另一种文化中不一定就有。例如,旧中国农村的“茅房”属于Nida 所说的物质文化,在欧美发达国家就不一定有。把具有中国特色的物质文化传播到译语读者那里是不太容易的事。三位译者似乎没有把“茅房”
理解准确。所谓“茅房”,乃“厕所”也。译文1、3 将“茅房”译成thatched huts 和huts ,不确切。
Hut 的意义是small roughly-built house or shelter[9 ] (P1611) ,具有不确定性,其确切意义取决于上下文。译文2 也不确切,latrine 是communal lavatory , esp. in a camp , barracks , etc. [9 ] (P1704) 之意。
在中国偏僻落后的农村地区,农民靠着“正屋”搭建一个简易棚子,用作堆放杂物或充当厕所之类的“角色”。这类棚子的顶部往往用茅草或瓦片盖住,四周用栅栏或泥(砖) 墙围起来,郁达夫所处时代的“茅房”应是这样的。“茅房”应译成a thatched outhouse ,因为outhouse 意为shedetc. , esp. adjoining main house 附属建筑,外屋[10 ] (P1720) 。那时的“茅房”本身就是“附属建筑,外屋”。在美语里,outhouse 有outside lavatory[9 ] (P1877) 之意。试改译原文如下:
To begin with , there are the jujube trees , which spring up everywhere , on the corners of a house ,
against the walls , by the thatched outhouse and next to the kitchen door.