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Comparison of wide-band inertial line of sight stabilization reference mechanizations
ABSTRACT:One subsystem critical to the performance of a precision electro-optical line-of-sight (LOS) pointing system isa wide-band inertial stabilization reference.This paper compares, in terms of relative performance of LOSstabilization in the presence of vehicle jitter, three inertial LOS stabilization reference mechanizations for space-basedoptical systems. The three mechanizations are: an inertially stabilized platform, the Inertial Pseudo-Star ReferenceUnit (IPSRU) under development at Draper Laboratory; a device called the Optical Reference Gyro (ORG), alsodeveloped at Draper Laboratory; and a strapdown wide-band inertial sensor assembly. Each of the three stabilizationreference mechanizations generates a collimated alignment beam that is injected into the entrance aperture of theoptical system.
In the stabilized platform mechanization, the alignment beam emanates from a platform inertially stabilizedfrom vehicle jitter in two axes, and thus the alignment beam becomes a jitter-stabilized pseudo-star. An alignmentloop closed around the pseudo-star image and a steering mirror in the optical path stabilizes the LOS against vehiclejitter. The ORG alignment beam projects from the gyro rotor, which is decoupled from case motion and is effectivelyinertially stabilized. The ORG spin-speed noise is compensated with phase-lock technology. In the strapdownmechanization, the alignment beam source is hard-mounted to the vehicle. Inertial measurement of the local vehiclemotion is fed forward, open loop, to a steering mirror in the optical path to compensate for alignment beam jitter.
INTRODUCTION:Many space-based camera and optical pointing and tracking systems require their line of sight (LOS) to beinertially stabilized in the presence of vibration or jitter of the optical payload. Payload jitter, for example, caused byon-board sources such as power, cooling, and attitude control systems and others, results in image smear on the focalplane in camera systems and dispersion in target pointing systems. The goal of inertial stabilization is to stabilize theeffective LOS of the optical payload in the presence of vibration.
Fundamental to inertial LOS stabilization is an inertial reference measurement subsystem. Following a generaldiscussion comparing stabilized and strapdown inertial references, this paper presents three special inertial referencemechanizations designed for LOS stabilization. Each of these inertial references provides optical signals or combinedoptical and electrical signals that indicate the inertial attitude of the LOS. These inertial measurement signals are usedto drive a fast steering mirror (FSM) in the LOS path such that the LOS can be inertially pointed and compensated for payload jitter.