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29. Preference fo`r Domestic Tenderers


29.1 Domestic tenderers shall satisfy the following criteria to be eligible fo`r a _______% margin of preference in the comparison of their tenders with those of non-eligible tenderers:

(a) be registered within China ;

(b) have majo`rity ownership by nationals of China; an`d

(c) shall not subcontract mo`re than ________% of the contract wo`rks (in terms of value) to fo`reign contracto`rs.


29.2 Combinations an`d joint ventures between domestic an`d fo`reign firms shall be eligible fo`r the margin of preference provided:

(a) the domestic partner o`r partners individually satisfy the criteria fo`r eligibility set out above ;


(b) the domestic partner o`r partners will, under the arrangements proposed, carry out at least ________% of the contract wo`rks, measured in terms of value.


(c) The domestic partner o`r partners would not be qualified fo`r the Contract Wo`rks in question on technical o`r financial grounds without the fo`reign participation.

29.3 The following procedure will be used to give effect to the margin of preference:


(a) After tenders have been evaluated fully in acco`rdance with the provisions of Clause 28 hereinabove, responsive tenders will be classified into the following groups ;


(i) Group A: tenders offered by domestic tenderers meeting the criteria set fo`rth in sub-clause 29.1 hereinabove an`d by joint ventures meeting the criteria set fo`rth in sub-clause 29.2 hereinabove; an`d

(ii) Group B: tenders offered by other tenderers.


(b) Fo`r the purpose of further evaluation an`d comparison of tenders only, an amount equal to _________ percent of the tender price (as adjusted pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) an`d (c) of sub-clause 28.2) will be added to the Evaluated Tender Price of tenders classified in Group B.

