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27. Conversion to Single Currency


The Tender Price is the sum of all payments stated o`r expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer. To facilitate evaluation an'd comparison of tenders, the Employer will convert the amounts in various currencies in which the Tender Price is payable (excluding Provisional Sums but including Daywo`rk, where priced competitively) to RMB at the selling rates established by Bank of China, on the date specified fo`r the opening of tenders.

28. Evaluation an'd Comparison of Tenders


28.1 The Employer an'd _____________ Company will evaluate an'd compare only those tenders determined to be substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents in acco`rdance with Clause 25 hereof. The Evaluation an'd comparison shall be based only on the "Basic" offer to determine the lowest evaluated tenderer fo`r award of the Contract.


28.2 In evaluating tenders, the Employer will determine fo`r each tender the Evaluated Tender Price by adjusting the tender price as follows:

(a) making any co`rrection fo`r erro`rs pursuant to Clause 26 ;


(b) excluding Provisional Sums an'd the provision, if any, fo`r Contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities, but including Daywo`rks where priced competitively ;

(c) converting all amounts to a single currency ;

(d) adding any monetary cost of Mobilisation Advances, assessed in acco`rdance with sub-clause 28.3


(e) making an appropriate adjustment fo`r any other acceptable quantifiable variations, deviations o`r alternative offers not reflected in the tender price o`r in the above-mentioned other adjustments.


(f) such other facto`rs as the Employer considers may have a potentially significant impact on contract execution, price an'd payments, including the effect of items o`r unit rates in the tender that are unbalanced o`r unrealistically priced.


28.3 The monetary costs to the Employer of variations in the amount of mobilisation advances requested by tenderers pursuant to sub-clauses 15.1 (a), using a discount rate of ______ percent per annum, shall be added to the respective tenderer's tender price fo`r comparison purposes only.


28.4 The Employer an'd ___________ Company reserves the right to accept o`r reject any variation, deviation o`r alternative offer. Variations, deviations, alternative offers an'd other facto`rs which are in excess of the requirements of the tender documents o`r otherwise result in the accrual of unsolicited benefits to the Employer may not be taken into account in tender evaluation.


28.5 Price adjustment provisions applying to the period of execution of the Contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation.


28.6 If the tender of the successful tenderer is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's estimate of the real cost of wo`rk to be perfo`rmed under the Contract, the Employer may require that the amount of the perfo`rmance security set fo`rth in Clause 34 be increased at the expense of the successful tenderer to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of subsequent default of the successful tenderer under the Contract.

