24. Clarification of Tenders
To assist in the examination, evaluation an`d comparison of tenders, the Employer an`d _______________ Company may ask tenderers individually fo`r clarification of their tenders, including breakdowns of unit prices. The request fo`r clarification an`d the response shall be in writing o`r by telex o`r telegram, but no change in the price o`r substance of the tender shall be sought, offered o`r permitted except as required to confirm the co`rrection of arithmetical erro`rs discovered by the Employer during the evaluation of tenders in acco`rdance with Clause 26 hereof.
25. Determination of Responsiveness
25.1 Prio`r to the detailed evaluation of tenders, the Employer an`d _________ Company will determine whether each tender is substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents.
25.2 Fo`r the purpose of this Clause, a substantially responsive tender is one which confo`rms to all the terms, conditions an`d specifications of the tender documents without material deviation o`r reservation. A material deviation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality o`r administration of the Wo`rks, o`r which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the tender documents, the Employer's rights o`r the tenderer's obligations under the Contract, an`d the rectification of which deviation o`r reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position of other tenderers offering substantially responsive tenders.
25.3 If a tender is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents, it shall be rejected by the Employer an`d _________ Company.
26. Co`rrection of Erro`rs
26.1 Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer fo`r any arithmetical erro`rs in computation an`d summation. Erro`rs will be co`rrected by the Employer as follows:
(a) Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures an`d in wo`rds, the amount in wo`rds will no`rmally govern, unless it is clear from the context that the amount in figures is co`rrect; an`d
(b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate an`d the total amount derived from the multiplication of the unit rate an`d the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will no`rmally govern unless, in the opinion of the Employer, there is obviously a gross erro`r in the unit rate; in which event the total amount as quoted will govern an`d the unit rate will be co`rrected.
26.2 The amount stated in the Fo`rm of Tender will be adjusted by the Employer in acco`rdance with the above procedure fo`r the co`rrection of erro`rs an`d, with the concurrence of the tenderer, shall be considered as binding upon the tenderer. The tenderer may, at his option, withdraw his tender if acceptance of the co`rrected amount would cause hardship. However in cases such as this, the tenderer is warned that such an action may cause his tender security to be fo`rfeited.