“翻译有两关:一是理解关,二是表达关。合格的文学译品不仅要求译者对原文的内容有彻底的理解,而且要求译者善于表达,能够恰如其分地表达原作的思想,感情以至风格。”[11 ]笔者以为,刘重德主张的“善于表达”至少应当包括以下四方面的内容: (1) 表达原意:指译文应当基本符合原作的内容要求,不会有大的走样。(2) 语言顺畅:指译语应当通顺流畅,没有语法上的错误和佶屈聱牙的地方,读来上口,听来入耳。(3) 合乎逻辑:指译文应当符合原语的意义逻辑,其中包括原作的篇章逻辑及其内容中的自然逻辑。(4) 连贯一致:连贯性属于修辞范围,
它体现在句与句之间的逻辑联系, “起伏照应,承接转换”。
(一) 表达原意。林同济[12 ]指出,汉语中动词使用频率远比
英语为高,其排列的基本规律是时间顺序。这种顺序包括: (1) 实际动作发生的次序; (2) 逻辑推论上动作应有的因果次序。
译文1 :Here in Beiping , suppose you are living amidst the cityps teeming millions in a ramshacklehouse that you have rented. On rising one early morning and seating yourself in the courtyard with a cupof strong tea before you , without even venturing out of doors you can see an azure sky high above , andhear homing pigeons whirring past under it . [3 ] (P. 8)
译文2 :Suppose you put up in a humble rented house inside the bustling imperial city , you can , ongetting up at dawn , sit in your courtyard sipping a cup of strong tea , leisurely watch the high azure skiesand listen to pigeons circling overhead. [4 ] (P. 209)
译文3 : In Beijing , suppose you are living amongst the millions of civilians in the imperial city in arented dilapidated house , after getting up in the morning , you can still enjoy the azure sky in the courtyard with a cup of tea in hand and listen to the domestic pigeons sweeping across the bluesky. [5 ] (P. 328)