翻译 英语有不少被动句子, 以it 为形式主语, 即“it+ be+ done+ that”结构, 汉译时通常使用主动语态, 有时不加主语, 有时加上泛指性主语, 如“有人”、“大家”、“人们”、“众”等。
It is found that. . . . . . 据发现??
It is said that. . . . . . 据说??
It is hoped that. . . . . . (人们) 希望??
It is repo rted that. . . . . . 据报道??
It m ay be safely said that. . . . . . 可以有把握地说??
It has been illu st rated that. . . . . . 据(图示) 说明??
It has been view ed that. . . . . . 讨论了??
It w as f irst in tended that. . . . . . 最初就有这样的想法??
It is enum erated that. . . . . . 列举了??
It is w eighed that. . . . . . 权衡了??
It m ay be w ithou t fear of exaggerat ionthat. . . . . . 可以毫不夸张地说??
It m u st be po in ted ou t that. . . . . . 必须指出??
It is w ell know n that. . . . . . 众所周知??
It is taken that. . . . . . 有人认为??
It is no ted that. . . . . . 人们注意到??
英语被动句, 究竟是着重被动的动作, 还是对事物的性质、状况的一般描述? 这就要看上下文而定,
孤零零的一个句子是不好分辨的。比如: The sm allt ree w as felled by a lum berjack w ith an axe yesterday. 既可译成“这棵小树昨天被一位伐木工用斧头砍倒了”, 也可译作“这棵小树是一位伐木工昨天用斧头砍倒的”。根据上下文或语言环境, 若是着重表示被动的动作, 就用前一种译法; 若是表示状态、过程, 则用后一种译法。
学习语言应该从全局出发, 注重对比, 而英语被动语态的汉译更要综合英语和汉语两者的使用特点, 深入而细致地在应用过程中加以分析。以上探讨的一些技巧仅仅是管窥之见, 适用于英语被动语态翻译的方法当然不止这样几种形式, 还有待于进一步探索。
〔1〕杰克·卡彭. 美联社新闻写作指南〔M 〕. 上海: 上海译文出版社, 1993.
〔2〕Gould·Eric. T he A ct of W riting〔M 〕. N ew Yo rk: Random House, 1989.
On the Tran sla t ion Sk ills of Engl ish Pa ss ive Vo ice in to Ch inese
Zha ng Yu2x ia o
(De pa rtme nt of Fo re ign La ngua ge s , S he nya ng No rma lUnive rs ity, S he nya ng 110034, L ia oning)
Abstract:A s a genu ine and accu rate w ay of exp ression, English passive vo ice is f requen t ly u sed in variou sEnglish new s repo rt s, art icles abou t science and techno logy and o ther everyday English. Peop le of ten u sepassive vo ice in English exp ression in o rder to be po lite o r to focu s on fact s o r to be f luen t. A p robe in tothe sk ills of t ran slat ing English Passive vo ice in to Ch inese and the so lu t ion of the p rob lem s can help English learners bet ter understand the f luency and exp ression of English art icles.
Key words: English, passive vo ice, t ran slat ion sk ills of English in to Ch inese