例1. THE T IM ES is read by the peop le w horun the coun t ry; THE GARD IAN is read by thepeop le w ho wou ld like to run the coun t ry; THEF INANC IAL T IM ES is read by the peop le w hoow n the coun t ry and THE DA IL Y TEL EGRA PHis read by the peop le w ho rem em ber the coun t ry asit u sed to be. 〔2〕(P95)
不同的报纸, 拥有不同的读者, 不同的读者追逐不同的消息。因此, 就有了下面四句意味深长的打油诗:
例21Modern scien t ist s have discovered thatenergy m ay be created f rom m at ter and that m atter, in tu rn, m ay be created f rom energy.
现代科学家发现, 物质可以产生能, 能可以产生物质。
以上两个译例都是属于A 式。下面再看B 式的译例:
例31R ivers are con t ro lled by dam s.
例41The famou s ho tel had been p ract icallydest royed by the b ig f ire.
例51He w as regarded as a Repub lican by everybody, even though he had alw ays though t ofh im self as an“Independen t”.
所有人都把他看作共和党人, 尽管他一直认为自己是“无党派人士”。