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对于绝大多数中国游戏产业而言,没玩过国内外优秀游戏的人未免过于另类了。但直接去玩外文游戏,对于普通玩家而言,这几乎不大可能,如果动辄求助字典、或 者翻译、汉化软件,也会打断游戏的连贯性,让游戏索然无味。这还只限于英文游戏,如果是日语的,看着那些"蝌蚪文",玩家就更加是摸不找边际了。即算是外 国语专业的学生,面对游戏中千奇百怪的专业术语、乡村俚语甚至带有极浓郁地方特色的发音时,也不敢说有十足把握能够理解,就算再熟练的外语高手,在稍纵即 逝的游戏资讯前,也会有极其微小的思维间隙。而这刹那的迟疑,对于一个游戏玩家而言,可能就意味着游戏结束。真正能玩外语游戏可以完全不借助中文,通关无 碍的话,包括笔者在内的大多数玩家只能对那人说一声:i服了you。
我们想不想让中国游戏产业游戏发展全球化呢?我想任何一个答复都是yes。而这种情况下,游戏翻译的地位就显得十分之重要。用笔者接触到的第一个游戏翻译 许瑾的话来说:"我们给玩家开启了一个世界,一个和西方亲密接触的世界。毫不夸张的说,是我们让这个游戏世界变的更加精彩。


(grabbed Ouyang Cheng's collar) How dare you fool me! Tell me all you know about what exists in this escorted carriage!
He was the then expert in poisoning who holds superior prides that even made him bet with his rivals on detoxifying every possible poison given. Witnessing his beloved concubine being poisoned by a dose of extreme venom "Forever Apart" but could do nothing to rescue her; he instantly realized a method of detoxifying by toxicant and dispensed another dose of violent venom "Forever Love". However, with his lover's death, he was obsessed in deep shame, hatred and lovesickness and finally became mad. Ever since his madness, he wandered around to acquire drugs and venomous ingredients and randomly pick someone to plant the "Forever Apart" along with "Forever Love" for "curing" the subject to death, in memory of his lost lover. Pathetic as he was, he never realized that there were no rivals at all but his pride and mental dissociation alone led him gradually step into the abyssal. Being afraid of his vicious venom, people would keep quite a distance to him. His danger and harm grow harder and harder and thus makes him ranking the 5th among the 12 Bandits. 
本是当世毒圣,自尊心极强,与夙敌打赌天下之毒无不可解,后者遂将一道绝毒"总相绝"下在他爱妾身上,他穷心竭力束手无策,只有看其看其爱妾香消 玉殒,须臾之后灵光一现悟出以毒攻毒之法,配出另一剧毒之方"长相思",奈何私人已去。自责,自怨,相思,相恨,终成痴念。江湖中四处漂泊搜集药材毒引, 抓来无辜者,当作"爱妾"医治,先种下"总相绝",再以"长相思"救之,中者立毙。终其一生也未悟出,哪曾有什么夙敌?可悲的精神分裂。由于周身毒物,武 林人士莫敢近其身,危害日烈、十二凶之五。
She was a well-known heroine before she suffered from the toxic corrosion in face and abandonment by her lover. Her sorrow and hatred made her crazy and cruel. She killed her rival in love, and masked her face with the rival's skin. With that look, she sewed her ex-lover's facial organs and limbs live, and achieved her brutal infamy ever since. Inspired by the hatred to womanizers, she was obsessed to sew the man's body in his favorite woman's face. Renowned for her scheming and strange moves with a needle and her disguising abilities, she successfully escaped from several sieges and ranked 2nd among the 12 Bandits. 本是名动一方的女侠,被情敌以毒汁毁去容貌,为情人抛弃,伤心成疯。乌夜间杀情敌,戴其面皮,一针针生生将情人的眼、耳、口、鼻手、脚分别缝起, 骇人听闻,一夜成为江湖上闻名色变的女魔头。最恨口蜜腹剑、朝秦暮楚之男子,以其最爱之人面目将其缝起成为她此生唯一的意义。以针术化为一身诡奇武艺,更 擅易容之道,江湖数次围剿均被逃脱。十二凶之二。